Results for 'Ángel García García Estévez'

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  1.  7
    Sínodo diocesano celebrado en segovia el año 1661 por el obispo D. Francisco de Zárate y Terán.Ángel García García Estévez - 2007 - Salmanticensis 54 (1):123-180.
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  2. El carácter espiscopal según don Martín Pérez de Ayala.Angel García García - Estévez - 1994 - Salmanticensis 41 (2):273-290.
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    How emotions are perceived.Ángel García Rodríguez - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):9433-9461.
    This paper claims that we have direct and complete perceptual access to other people’s emotions in their bodily and behavioural expression. The claim is understood, not by analogy with the perception of three-dimensional objects or physical processes, but as a form of Gestalt perception. In addition, talk of direct perceptual access to others’ emotions is shown not to entail a behaviourist view of mind; and talk of complete perceptual access is shown to include both the phenomenological character and the dispositional (...)
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    A Wittgensteinian View of Mind and Self-Knowledge.Ángel García Rodríguez - 2020 - Philosophia 48 (3):993-1013.
    This paper defends a Wittgenstein-inspired conception of the nature of mind and self-knowledge. Thus, it is claimed that the mind is to be conceived as expressive behaviour; and that knowledge of one’s own mind is not to be thought of as a matter of first-person access, i.e. a special sort of access available to oneself alone, but rather as a matter of ordinary access, similar to other people’s. It is also argued that this conception does not undermine the distinctness of (...)
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  5. A continental approach to rationality and mind.Angel García Rodríguez - 2006 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 25 (3):111-122.
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    Fake Barns and Our Epistemological Theorizing.Ángel García Rodríguez - 2018 - Crítica. Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofía 50 (148):29-53.
    Pure virtue epistemology faces the fake barn challenge. This paper explains how it can be met. Thus, it is argued that the thought experiment contains a hidden ambiguity concerning the visual ability typically ascribed to, or denied, fake barn subjects. Disambiguation shows fake barn subjects to have limited knowledge of the target proposition. This accords with a pure virtue-theoretic conception of knowledge that predicts and explains all the intuitions elicited by the thought experiment. As a result, the relationship between knowledge, (...)
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  7. La regulación de los contenidos audiovisuales: el escenario de la convergencia.Angel García Castillejo - 2010 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 85:23-34.
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  8. Explicaciones naturalistas de la conciencia fenoménica.Angel García Rodríguez - 2008 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 27 (3):5-27.
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    How to Be an Expressivist about Avowals Today.Ángel García Rodríguez - 2012 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review.
    According to expressivism about avowals, the meaning of typical self-ascriptions of mental states is a matter of expressing an attitude, rather than describing a state of affairs. Traditionally, expressivism has been glossed as the view that, qua expressions, avowals are not truth-evaluable. Contemporary neoexpressivists like Finkelstein and Bar-On have argued that avowals are expressions, and truth-evaluable besides . In contrast, this paper provides a defence of the view that avowals are, qua expressions, truth-evaluable. This defence is based on an argument (...)
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  10.  77
    Direct Perceptual Access to Other Minds.Ángel García Rodríguez - 2018 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 26 (1):24-39.
    It is sometimes claimed that we perceive people’s mental states in their expressive features. This paper clarifies the claim by contrasting two possible readings, depending on whether expression is conceived relationally or non-relationally. A crucial difference between both readings is that only a non-relational conception of expression ensures direct access to other minds. The paper offers an argument for a non-relational conception of expression, and therefore for the view that we directly perceive people’s mental states in their expressive features.
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  11. La TDT en España. La televisión como acceso a la Sociedad de la Información y del Conocimiento.Angel García Castillejo - 2008 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 74:66-73.
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  12. Conciencia: fenomenología y conducta.Ángel GarcÍa RodrÍguez - 2001 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 20 (1-2).
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    La idea de perspectividad Y el cuerpo.Ángel García Rodríguez - 1997 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 14:123-134.
    The idea of perspectivity has been explained in terms of the notion of an egocentric map of the world. This egocentric map includes not only perceptual abilities (Evans), but also abilities regarding the active engagement of the subject in the world (Brewer). Now, the explanation of the egocentric-cum-active abilities map cannot be the agent's body, Rather, such an explanation should be sensitive to the agents intentions and the context of active engagement in the world.
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    Autoconciencia y contenido no-conceptual.Ángel García Rodríguez - 2001 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 26 (1):165-185.
    José Luis Bermúdez ha defendido una explicación no-circular de la autoconciencia en virtud de contenidos no-conceptuales de primera persona, explicativa y ontogenéticamente básicos. En este artículo se argumenta que los contenidos no-conceptuales explicativamente básicos caen en el mito de lo Dado; mientras que los contenidos no-conceptuales ontogenéticamente básicos, aunque lo evitan, no constituyen la mejor explicación de la adquisición de capacidades cognitivas.
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    (1 other version)¿Piensan los animales? La respuesta expresiva.Ángel García Rodríguez - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid):1-15.
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    Efficacy of a Combined Acceptance and Commitment Intervention to Improve Psychological Flexibility and Associated Symptoms in Cancer Patients: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial.Francisco García-Torres, Ángel Gómez-Solís, Sebastián Rubio García, Rosario Castillo-Mayén, Verónica González Ruíz-Ruano, Eliana Moreno, Juan Antonio Moriana, Bárbara Luque-Salas, María José Jaén-Moreno, Fátima Cuadrado-Hidalgo, Mario Gálvez-Lara, Marcin Jablonski, Beatriz Rodríguez-Alonso & Enrique Aranda - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Psychological flexibility is a key concept of acceptation and commitment therapy. This factor has been linked with psychological wellbeing and associated factors, such as quality of life, in cancer patients. These and other positive results of acceptation and commitment therapy in cancer patients found in previous research could be enhanced by using mhealth tools. A three-arm randomized superiority clinical trial, with a pre-post-follow-up repeated measures intergroup design with a 1:1:1 allocation ratio is proposed. A hundred and twenty cancer patients will (...)
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    Peacocke y el Concepto de Primera Persona.Angel Garcia Rodriguez - 2002 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 17 (1):161-185.
    Peacocke's explanation of the first-person concept provides non-circu/ar possession conditions for such a concept, accommodating two different constraints: the noncircularity requirement and Evans's Thesis. In this paper, it is argued that Peacocke's explanation faces some difficulties: on the one hand, it appears unable to meet a serious objection facing the non-circularity requirement; on the other hand, it misunderstands the constitutive constraints imposed by Evans's Thesis on a correct account of the first person.
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    Expression and Transparency in Contemporary Work on Self-knowledge.Ángel García Rodríguez - 2014 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 9 (2):67-81.
    A central feature in contemporary discussions of selfknowledge concerns the epistemic status of mental selfascriptions, such as “I have toothache” or “I believe that p”. The overall project of such discussions is to provide an account of the special status of mental self-ascriptions vis-à-vis other knowledge-claims, including ascriptions of mental states to others. In this respect, two approaches have gained currency in contemporary philosophy. Some authors have focused on the notion of expression, stressing that self-ascriptions are expressions of one’s mental (...)
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    A Wittgensteinian conception of animal minds.Ángel García Rodríguez - 2013 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 88 (1):101-122.
    There is a recent popular reconstruction of Wittgenstein's thinking about animal minds, according to which animals and humans share a set of expressive abilities, prior to, and independent of, the onset of linguistic-cum-conceptual abilities; a reconstruction that in turn entails a duality of expression and linguistic-cum-conceptual abilities, in adult humans. This paper contends that the reconstruction is implausible and at odds with Wittgenstein's thinking, regarding both the developing minds of children and the minds of non-linguistic animals. Instead, it argues that (...)
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  20. Sobre la posibilidad de haber sido otro.Ángel GarcÍa RodrÍguez - 1998 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 17 (2).
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    Correlate Attitudes Toward LGBT and Sexism in Spanish Psychology Students.Miguel Ángel López-Sáez, Dau García-Dauder & Ignacio Montero - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Intersections Around Ambivalent Sexism: Internalized Homonegativity, Resistance to Heteronormativity and Other Correlates.Miguel Ángel López-Sáez, Dau García-Dauder & Ignacio Montero - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This article explores the connections between the construct of sexism and other sociodemographic and attitudinal variables, such as internalized homonegativity and heteronormative resistances, among psychology students. Both unrefined and inferential analyses were used with a representative sample of 841 psychology students from public universities in Madrid. Results showed higher levels of sexism, internalized homonegativity and low resistances to heteronormativity among groups of men, heterosexuals and conservatives. Interactions were found that showed a higher degree of hostile sexism in: heterosexual people with (...)
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    Sobre las Obligationes de Robert Fland. Antiqua et nova responsio.Ángel D.´ors & Manuel García-Clavel - 1994 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 11:51.
  24. An extended view of mind and cognition.Ángel García Rodríguez - 2011 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 30 (2):5-18.
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  25. Descartes: el proyecto de la investigación pura, de Bernard Williams.Ángel García Rodríguez - 1996 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 16 (1):109-112.
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  26. Sosa ante el escéptico.Angel García Rodríguez - 2009 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 28 (1):59-67.
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    " The character of mind", de Colin McGinn.Ángel García Rodríguez - 1999 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 18 (2):115-118.
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  28. Apuntes para una crítica ilustrada a Niklas Luhman.Angel García Sánchez - 1999 - Endoxa 11:271-295.
  29. Persona, naturaleza y personalitas en Domingo Báñez.José Ángel García Cuadrado - 2006 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 13:101-110.
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    Parental and Infant Gender Factors in Parent–Infant Interaction: State-Space Dynamic Analysis.M. Angeles Cerezo, Purificación Sierra-García, Gemma Pons-Salvador & Rosa M. Trenado - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Josep-Ignasi Saranyana: su aportación medievalista.José Ángel García Cuadrado - 2011 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 18:249-254.
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  32. Malo Pé, A., Introducción a la Psicología.José Ángel García Cuadrado - 2008 - Anuario Filosófico 41 (92):495-496.
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    Deleuze y el problema de la dialéctica hegeliana en Nietzsche.Luis Ángel García Muñoz - 2011 - Luxiérnaga - Revista de Estudiantes de Filosofía 1 (2):21.
    Deleuze, en el primer capítulo de Nietzsche y la Filosofía,1 introduce los recurrentes tópicos en las obras de Nietzsche: las relaciones entre fuerzas, y la voluntad de poder, con el objetivo de cuestionar la presencia de una dialéctica dentro del pensamiento nietzscheano.Pasajes en la obra de Nietzsche, labradores de una interpretación cuestionable acerca de la confrontación de fuerzas –como el apartado “De la superación de sí mismo” en el Así habló Zaratustra2–, donde se usan las palabras «órdenes», «seres obedientes», «juez» (...)
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  34. The human spirit: Religious belief or philosophical truth? Reflections regarding Domingo Banez.Jose Angel Garcia Cuadrado - 2007 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 99 (2):215-231.
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  35. La consignificatio verbal (Peri Hermeneias 16B 8-10): Ammonio, Boecio y Tomás de Aquino.José Ángel García Cuadrado - 2012 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 19:87-100.
  36. La mente humana, de Fernando Broncano (ed.).Ángel García Rodríguez - 1997 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 16 (2):114-117.
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  37. The mind and its world, de Gregory McCulloch; The mechanical mind, de Tim Crane.Ángel García Rodríguez - 1996 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 16 (1):120-123.
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  38. La distinción nombre-verbo en los comentarios al Perihermeneias de Alfarabi y Averroes.José Ángel García Cuadrado - 2003 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 10:157-172.
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  39. The problem of slavery in Aristotle.Miguel Angel Garcia Mercado - 2008 - Pensamiento 64 (239):151-165.
  40. La luz del entendimiento agente en el pensamiento de San Alberto Magno.José Ángel García Cuadrado - 2002 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 9:91-104.
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  41. Tradition and innovation in the logical treatises of st Vincent Ferrer (1350-1419).Jose Angel Garcia Cuadrado - 2000 - In I. Angelelli & P. Pérez-Ilzarbe (eds.), Medieval and Renaissance Logic in Spain. G. Olms. pp. 159.
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  42. La teología hecha templo. La iglesia de Cristo Rey de Zamora en la transición teológica hacia el Vaticano II.Rafael Ángel García Lozano - 2013 - Salmanticensis 60 (2):305.
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  43. Where is cognitive science heading?Francisco Calvo Garzón & Ángel García Rodríguez - 2009 - Minds and Machines 19 (3):301-318.
    According to Ramsey (Representation reconsidered, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2007 ), only classical cognitive science, with the related notions of input–output and structural representations, meets the job description challenge (the challenge to show that a certain structure or process serves a representational role at the subpersonal level). By contrast, connectionism and other nonclassical models, insofar as they exploit receptor and tacit notions of representation, are not genuinely representational. As a result, Ramsey submits, cognitive science is taking a U-turn from (...)
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  44. Attention alters appearances and solves the 'many-many problem'.Miguel Angel Sebastian & Raúl Sánchez-García - 2015 - European Journal of Human Movement 34:156-179.
    This article states that research in skill acquisitionand executionhas underestimated the relevance of some features of attention. We present and theoretically discuss two essential features of attention that have been systematically overlooked in the research of skill acquisitionandexecution. First, attention alters the appearance of the perceived stimuli in an essential way; and second, attention plays a fundamental role in action, being crucial for solving the so called ’many-many problem’, that is to say, the problem of generating a coherent behavior byselecting (...)
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    MARÍAS, JULIÁN, La perspectiva cristiana, Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 1999, 139 págs.José Ángel García Cuadrado - 2000 - Anuario Filosófico:306-307.
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    Significaciones imaginarias y ciudadanía políticos en jóvenes protestantes evangélicos en Iberoamérica.Rafael Ángel Gómez-Gallego & Claudia María Muñoz-García - 2020 - Ratio Juris 15 (30).
    El presente artículo, aborda el estado del arte en torno al conocimiento producido en la relación de las categorías de significaciones imaginarias y ciudadanía política, durante el periodo 2007-2018 en Iberoamérica. Este estado del arte, se realiza con el objetivo de identificar las tendencias teóricas, metodológicas y los resultados más relevantes, que han orientado las investigaciones respecto a dichas categorías, en su relación analítica, con el fin de fundamentar posteriores análisis que permitan identificar y problematizar los avances y vacíos en (...)
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    La objeción de conciencia para la guerra en Francisco de Vitoria.José Ángel García Cuadrado - 2025 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 27:45-69.
    Francisco de Vitoria en sus comentarios a la Summa Theologiae y en la Relectio de bello admite que un simple ciudadano tiene la posibilidad (incluso la obligación) de no combatir en una guerra que él, en conciencia, considera injusta. Aunque no tiene obligación de examinar por sí mismo las causas de la guerra, no puede dejar de obrar en conciencia. Lo contrario a como actúan, por ejemplo, los mercenarios, siempre dispuestos a combatir en cualquier guerra, sea justa o no. Sería (...)
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  48.  12
    DIAGNOSIS EN CASOS DE ASESINATO POR VIOLENCIA DE GÉNERO: Estudios sobre los casos de muerte por causa de violencia de género en Andalucía.M. ª Ángeles Sepúlveda García de la Torre & Aurora Genovés García - 2022 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 2 (2):149-189.
    El objetivo es conocer las circunstancias y tratamiento judicial de asesinatos por violencia de género. Se plantea el diagnóstico forense de muerte, se exponen resultados de la investigación realizada por Genovés et al. en 2018 sobre150 casos de muerte por violencia de género en Andalucía, se plantea un posible patrón de conducta basado en la teoría de los pensamientos obsesivos y rumia silenciosa. Los resultados muestran una violencia anunciada, sin trastornos mentales graves, los asesinatos se mantienen constantes en el tiempo, (...)
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    BELLO RODRÍGUEZ, HERNANDO JOSÉ Y GIMÉNEZ AMAYA, JOSÉ MANUEL, Valoración ética de la Modernidad según Alisdair MacIntyre, Eunsa, Pamplona, 2018, 264 pp. [REVIEW]José Ángel García Cuadrado - 2019 - Anuario Filosófico:183-185.
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    FERRER ARELLANO, JOAQUÍN; BARRIO MAESTRE, JOSÉ MARÍA, ¿Evolución o creación? Respuesta a un falso dilema. (Metafísica de la Creación y ciencias de la evolución), Eunate, Pamplona, 2001, 298 págs. [REVIEW]José Ángel García Cuadrado - 2002 - Anuario Filosófico:506-508.
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